Project Description

Much like my Splacement Pattern 1 & 3 pieces this one was rather experimental. It's actually the missing 2nd pieces. The reason why I released it with a delay was simply that I wanted to take myself some extra time for it. I wanted it to not just be a purely abstract piece with a couple of shapes. Yes, it surely still is very surreal and abstract but it now has a human context (literally) too. What's that lady doing there? I have no idea. But it looks cool, right? This piece is also a proud part of the AURORA: RED exhibit release.

The base for the scene was done rather quick. I created a couple of patterns in JSplacement and started to play around with it in Vue. It all started to fall into place soon and the overall fine tuning/fixing of certain parts was the stuff I invested most time into. Later in the process I decided to add that mysterious lady to the scene. I have no clue what she's doing there and how she's connected to this weird world. Maybe a dream world? Maybe her dream? However... she adds some wonderful scale to this abstract looking environment and helps the viewer to translate the dimensions we are dealing with in this scene. In Photoshop I did a lot of fixing and optimization as well. Unfortunately I lost the Vue scene file due to my own stupidity and I couldn't go back and re-render it. Luckily I saved all necessary passes with my first render. Last but not least I used Lightroom to enhance the overall look even more.
Created with Vue, JSplacement, DAZ Studio, Photoshop and Lightroom.
The Plate

The shape/plane was created via heightfield that were imported into Vue. The heightfield image itself was created with JSplacement. Always a ton of fun to play with. For the final version I did fix and enhance certain areas though. Especially, as you surely notice, colourwise a lot changed. For that I also rendered out the scene with a 32bit hdr image to get the most depth for my colours. Also working in square format again was a challenge since I'm not used to it - mostly working in more cinematic aspect ratios.
The plain Vue render plate. No enhancements or post-work.
Fullsize Detail

The original image is 8000x8000 large and there is some really fine detail in there. Here examples of how deep the details goes and enables the viewer to constantly find new and fun details. Since the shapes were done via heightfields, you can see the jagged edges in full size quite a bit. But I think it adds more to the feel and look of the scene than hurting it.



Abstract dreamworld with surreal flair.
